
Thursday, 27 September 2018

T3W10 Writing

this week I have been practicing  using capital letters and full stop's. it's been awesome. I love writing. today. my writing went on tv. it's been awesome. I love school.

Tuesday, 18 September 2018

My First Post EVER!

hi, my name is ema-leigh. I am a student a yalhurst model school.  I live in Christchurch with my dad and the two dogs their names are savage and Holley. I live with my nana my younger sister two.

my favorite thing is playing with my friends my favorite thing at school is . my favorite color is blue any blue I like. I don't have a big house. I don's care if I have a small house. I have 5 friends they are really nice. I like playing with them. I like swimming. I am 7 in a half years old. my friends one of my friends are called Paige are older than me but I don't care. im talker them. they don't care. i like aftes  and crafts. I have favorite friend but I want tell you. this is my first post i hope younlike it.